
Connect, Log & Report

DataTalk Connect, Log & Report automatically generates periodic reports from user-designed MS Word or Excel templates. It supports custom text, tables, charts, and images, connecting directly to your technology and process data. Reports can be saved as PDF, Word, or XLS files and sent via email, WhatsApp, Telegram, Slack, Discord, or other platforms.

Main Features

Read data from OT devices (PLCs, IIoT sensors, databases, MQTT)

Log data into a time-series database

Generate reports using MS Word and Excel templates

Automatically send reports to services like email, Slack, WhatsApp, Discord, and more

Create reports on a schedule or trigger by events (like production or shift changes)

Generate multi-language reports

How does It Work?

Connect to Devices

Integrate CL Report with controllers, databases, or sensors and select the data you want to collect and analyze.

Create a report template

Design your report in MS Word or MS Excel, utilizing any formatting these tools offer. Insert keywords into the template that the system will automatically replace with current or historical data.

Set up automation

Use a simple script to define rules for data collection and report generation. Configure the frequency (periodic or event-based) and specify where the reports should be sent to an email, WhatsApp, Telegram, Slack, Discord or other.

Key Advantages



Our pricing is determined by the project size (number of tags), while everything else is unlimited. All product features are included. No hidden costs, just a clear, fair deal.

For non-commercial projects only.


  • Unlimited number of clients
  • 50 Tags
  • Community support

For small and mid-sized projects.


  • Unlimited number of clients
  • 150 Tags
  • Limited support

For mid to large projects with no compromise.

€1 200

  • Unlimited number of clients
  • 1 500 Tags
  • Full support

Unlock an unlimited world of experiences.

On request

  • Unlimited number of clients
  • Premium support

Modules included in DataTalk Connect, Log & Report product:

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Contact info

Velvarská 1699/29

160 00 Prague

Czech Republic

Na Kodymce 973/1

160 00 Prague

Czech Republic