The user cannot enter the data type during the screen drawing. The proper data type is fetched during the data reading from the PLC. There might be some limitations, as only certain data types are supported. The following paragraph specifies all supported data types for a given PLC type.
The EtherNet/IP driver supports all numeric data types:
Tag Data Type | Description |
DINT | An atomic data type consisting of a DWORD used for storing a 32-bit signed integer value (-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647). |
SINT | An atomic data type that stores an 8-bit signed integer value (-128 to +127). |
USINT | Unsigned 8-bit integer value |
INT | An atomic data type consisting of a word used for storing a 16-bit signed integer value (-32,768 to +32,767). |
REAL | An atomic data type that stores a 32-bit IEEE floating-point value. |
LREAL | 64-bit floating point value |
BOOL | The BOOL data type is an atomic data type consisting of a single bit. |
UDT | Data structure |
UDINT | An atomic data type consisting of a DWORD used for storing a 32-bit unsigned integer value (0 to 4,294,967,295). |
LINT | An atomic data type that stores a 64-bit signed integer value (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807). |
UINT | An atomic data type consisting of a word used for storing a 16-bit unsigned integer value (0 to 65,535). |
BIT_STRING | A data type used to represent a collection of bits, where each bit can be accessed individually. This is typically used for working with binary data or flags. |
The precision of writing long int/reel is reduced to 253 due to technological constraints
Reading Controller Tags
To access information stored in a controller tag, mention the tag name. This straightforward approach allows you to read the desired data effortlessly by specifying the tag associated with the information you want to retrieve.
Reading Program Tags
To read a program tag, you must specify the program name before the tag name. You must use the following syntax:
Program: name.tag
name – program name
tag – tag name
So if you want to communicate with tag named valve from a program named control, you will have the following syntax: Program:control.valve
Limitations of the BOOL arrays in the ControlLogix
The different syntax to access the elements in the BOOL arrays is used in the myDESIGNER, compared to the programs stored in the controller. In DataTalk you have to address the word and bit position separately. The word consists of the 32 bits – BOOL elements and the range of the BOOL array is split into multiple words.
3rd element (bit] | TestBool[0].3 |
34th element (bit) | TestBool[1].2 |
54th element (bit) | TestBool[1].22 |
Out of range, bad address | TestBool[2].0 |
Out of range, bad address | TestBool[50] |
Data-Talk supports direct tags import from the PLC – the PLC MUST BE ONLINE to successfully load the tags, once the tags are loaded, you can select from the imported tags in the Tags Database
Data-Talk supports .L5X file import means you’re able to export your whole PLC project out of the Rockwell studio with all the tags (Including UDTs) and then import it into DataTalk when creating the connection – which means that you won’t need to type it manually in the tags Database.
Once you perform the .L5X file import, you’re no longer able to type in tags manually in the tags database (You’re only able to select tags which were contained in the provided .L5X file), which means if the project changes – you add or remove tags, you have to import them.L5X file again in the connection section
asi gif, jak delam import toho souboru a pak následne vybiram tagy v tag.db z te tabulky