MQTT – Driver

Connection type

Payload located

ID is located inside a payload

Topic = sensors
payload = {ID: 1, temperature:23}

Topic located

ID is located inside a topic

topic = sensors/ID
payload = {temperature:23}

Data TypeExample
BufferA raw data buffer
StringUTF-8 encoded string
Number32-bit intiger
nullnull value

When creating an MQTT connection in Data-Talk, specify whether the connection is located in Payload or Topic. Afterward, proceed to the next tab, where you specify all other necessary information about your MQTT broker, such as IP, port, username, and password.

In the next tab, specify the topic to which Data-Talk will listen. If everything is specified correctly, Data Talk will receive a response from the MQTT broker.
You select a unique identifier, which will be used as “address” in the tags database.

So, when adding a tag to the tags database with an MQTT connection, you must select the UDT type, which will then automatically fill up the tags. You also have to specify a unique identifier in the address tab. If everything is specified correctly, you should be able to retrieve values when clicking on the “READ VALUES” button.

Keep in mind that MQTT tags are UDT, so to set log group/limits /scale, etc… you must do it first in the UDT section, and then it will get applied as well in the tags database.

gif jak přidat MQTT tag a celý process s tím UDT

Did you know that DataTalk can work as MQTT broker?

To allow this feature, head to the DataTalk settings section and allow MQTT broker function.

Updated on February 11, 2025